Dr. Sajid Muhaimin Choudhury



I'm Dr. Sajid Muhaimin Choudhruy

I am currently working in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka-1205. My official website is located at sajid.buet.ac.bd. I previously maintained various personal blogs and websites (sajidmc.net). I decided to move to a permanent web solution to host all my previous blogposts.


Bookmarklet for Google Dictionary

A reader of my blog was kind to let me know by telephone that he was eager to use Google dictionary with my inline dictionary bookmarklet. So today I am launching the Google version of my bookmarklet. As usual, drag them to your browser bar to use. The English to Bangla dictionary is still being developed, and not that robust.

[English to Bangla]

[English to English]

Google Sites – Home of my academic website

I like wordpress  as a blogging environment. And freebeehosting is a as great as a hosting platform can ever be. But for my academic materials, I need a hosting platform that is 24x7 available without any interruption. Google sites seemed to be a good option.

The BUET website management allows to upload 5 files at a time. So all I did was to create an index.html file with iframe set to my google site page.

Google sites give options to rapidly create a website. I edited a default theme to incorporate the BUET logo into the banner. Problem is, you can’t have any custom CSS or javascript code, and if you are logged in, the google icons appear overhead.

Nevertheless, it is where I am hosting all my course related materials.

My BUET page: teacher.buet.ac.bd/sajid

My actual Sites Page: sites.google.com/site/smcbuet/

Update: Some of my friends are also using this technique. I'll keep link of their sites here:

Raisul  - http://teacher.buet.ac.bd/raisulislam (Hosting24)

Shanto - http://teacher.buet.ac.bd/ashfanoor (Google Sites)
I like wordpress  as a blogging environment. And freebeehosting is a as great as a hosting platform can ever be. But for my academic materials, I need a hosting platform that is 24x7 available without any interruption. Google sites seemed to be a good option.

The BUET website management allows to upload 5 files at a time. So all I did was to create an index.html file with iframe set to my google site page.

Google sites give options to rapidly create a website. I edited a default theme to incorporate the BUET logo into the banner. Problem is, you can’t have any custom CSS or javascript code, and if you are logged in, the google icons appear overhead.

Nevertheless, it is where I am hosting all my course related materials.

My BUET page: teacher.buet.ac.bd/sajid

My actual Sites Page: sites.google.com/site/smcbuet/

Google Brings Indic IME

Avro and other phonetic typing software enabled us to forget about memorizing the so called “Bijoy Keyboard”, where h means ba and l means da. Any way, I don’t like their keyboard for one reason: you have to keep pressing the shift key to switch between letters. To me, phonetic typing means I’ll type the pronunciation in English, and computer will understand what I mean. That is when Google Transliteration came. First it started as a browser based text only editor. Then it brought rich text editor support and bookmarklets to support any web based text editor. But it still isn’t enough. I do a lot of typing using windows live writer and Microsoft Word. So I was still somewhat dependent on Ekushey and Avro. Now google has decided to end that misery. Google has launched it’s own version of Ekushey, the Google Indic IME. Imagine what google has to offer:

  • Offline Support - No dependency on internet connection.

  • Word Completions - Dictionary based word completions for prefixes.

  • Personalized Choices - Remember user corrections for personalized service.

  • Easy Keyboard - Dictionary enabled keyboard to enter rare and complex words.

  • Cool Customization - Customize suggestions page size, display font and more.

Beware, however that Google will be able to access every word you type, so careful what you are typing. Download it from : http://www.google.com/ime/transliteration/index.html Some people may have some difficulty with google update behind a firewall. (Especially my BUET colleagues). For them, here is a direct link to the installer. http://sites.google.com/site/sajiduc/my-files/googlebengaliinputsetup.zip

Visit My Official Website at BUET

Contact Me
Sajid Choudhury
Dhaka, Bangladesh