Dr. Sajid Muhaimin Choudhury



I'm Dr. Sajid Muhaimin Choudhruy

I am currently working in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka-1205. My official website is located at sajid.buet.ac.bd. I previously maintained various personal blogs and websites (sajidmc.net). I decided to move to a permanent web solution to host all my previous blogposts.


ADC Interfacing of AVR (ATmega32)

The Analogue to Digital Converter of the Atmel AVR Microcontroller was one of the main reasons of me choosing it over the cheap AT89S52 microcontroller.

As mentioned in my previous blog post, I had recently given a workshop at the AIUB along with my friend Omee. Due to time shortage, I could not finish my presentation on ADCs. I wanted to share some of the materials that I studied here in my blog post.

Interfacing 7 segment displays with AVR (ATmega32)

Recently, I had the opportunity to give a workshop on AVR microcontroller in American International University of Bangladesh (AIUB). I had prepared some codes for the conference, which I will share here.

7 Segment displays can be readily interfaced to the AVR by applying high or low output to their pins from an AVR. For my circuit I had used a common anode 7 seg display.

Visit My Official Website at BUET

Contact Me
Sajid Choudhury
Dhaka, Bangladesh