Saturday, May 30, 2009

ব্লগে ল্যাটেক্স এর সমীকরণ
Using the Wordpress for Latex Plugin, I'm able to use Latex Equations in my post now

This might come in handy, for explaining some equations here. I could not install Latex on my webserver, so I am just using the default public server given by wordpress

Using the Wordpress for Latex Plugin, I'm able to use Latex Equations in my post now

This might come in handy, for explaining some equations here. I could not install Latex on my webserver, so I am just using the default public server given by wordpress

Dr. Sajid M Choudhury

Researcher and academician by Trade. Hobbyist webdeveloper, photographer and ametuer musician.


  1. আমার ব্লগে এখন আমি ল্যাটেক্স লিখতে পারি।

    $$(a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2 $$


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Sajid Choudhury
Dhaka, Bangladesh